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Our Challenge

Our Opportunity

While nearly 2 billion people celebrate Lunar New Year worldwide, most in the US are still unfamiliar with the holiday, its traditions, cultural significance and, most of all, the food. Panda Express, the largest American Chinese restaurant brand, was perfectly positioned to take this challenge on and help bridge the cultural gap.

Beyond creating edu-taining content around the holiday itself, Panda Express had the opportunity to connect guests to one of the most significant themes of Lunar New Year — sharing good food and good fortune. They did so by tapping into a type of good fortune Americans are already obsessed with — lucky scratchers.

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Our Idea

The Good Fortune Scratcher put luck in the hands of players all over the country. For 6 weeks leading up to Lunar New Year, Panda shared digital scratcher cards designed around different holiday themes. Players scratched to reveal three matching icons, unlocking fun Lunar New Year facts, coupons for lucky dishes, or even gift cards up to $888 (as 8 is a very lucky number in Chinese culture)!

Our Impact

In its inaugural year, the Good Fortune Scratcher became the company's most successful Lunar New Year activation for engagement, awareness and sales, beating previous benchmarks by over 10x. Now in year two, this new tradition continues to educate about the holiday and share even more good fortune with all who play.


Codes Redemmed


Increase in Purchase Intent


Increase in Reputation


Total Sales



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